Earth Overshoot Day

August 2nd, 2023

Earth Overshoot Day

Today, August 2nd, marks the day we have collectively used up all our natural resources the Earth can replenish in a year...

Earth Overshoot Day marks a point in time when we are officially borrowing resources from the future.

This is where we meet the challenge head-on. In collaboration with and other forward-thinking groups, we are challenging ourselves, and our clients, to rethink and redesign their approach when it comes to plastic alternatives.

Let us remember that efforts of this scale take a collective force. There are amazing businesses, creatives, and people pushing for responsible material and manufacturing processes to protect Earth for future generations. We are proud to be supporting and collaborating with companies alike.

What we take, we must give back equally. Tanbark believes this to the core. Join us as we build better earth-friendly solutions.

Andre Clement