"Invent it here, make it here."

July 31th, 2023

Maine Heritage Manufacturing

On July 28, 2023, President Joe Biden signed an executive order, “Invent it here, make it here,” requiring federally-funded inventions to be manufactured in the United States. 

This hits home with us because while we founded Tanbark to help replace single-use plastic that is wreaking havoc on our planet, we’re also deeply committed to innovating a Maine heritage industry to solve a modern problem. In essence, to help revitalize manufacturing in Maine and North America. 

We were thrilled President Biden gave Tanbark a shoutout for our efforts to replace plastic using wood fiber. We were also reminded of our responsibility to not only the planet but also the economy and people of Maine. We based our company here on purpose to use Maine resources, Maine labor, and Maine ingenuity to give companies a viable and sustainable packaging and product alternative.

As Biden shared, “between 1990 and 2010, Maine lost nearly 45,000 manufacturing jobs.” He added that here in Maine and across the country, “once thriving cities and towns became shadows of what they used to be.” We recognize this, too, and plan to be among the Maine manufacturers that create new jobs, show up with impact, and help local communities thrive again. 

We currently employ 10 employees. We plan to hire another 25 this year. And we’re just getting started. Until now, there has not been an onshore solution for companies that want to enter the market at a smaller than commodity size. Tanbark changed that and is in a position to help companies meet their sustainability goals and make a difference in Maine. 

We’re grateful for federal funding that has allowed Tanbark to be part of a resurgence of manufacturing in Maine. At one point in his speech, President Biden said, “Bio-based products are the future in Maine.” We agree and are proud to be a part of this push. Maine has so much to offer the world and has innovative companies ready to once again put our state and the United States on the map when it comes to manufacturing. 

Listen to President’s full remarks here and tune in at 13:45 to catch our shoutout.

Andre Clement